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The Hidden Secrets of Water: The Most Dire Nutrient Deficiency in the U.S.

Would you be surprised to hear that the vast majority of American adults and children alike don't drink nearly enough water and are, in turn, damaging the health of their organ systems over time?

In this FREE interactive workshop, you’ll discover: Why water is the unsung superhero of our health (and how to get it to work to your benefit!); The top 5 surprising signs of dehydration (HINT: It's not just the feeling of being thirsty!); The quick-and-easy way to calculate how much water you need (and how to be sure you get it!); Budget-friendly solutions for upping the quality of your water.

Christine Light is a Certified Professional Coach and Nutritional Therapy Practitioner currently living in the Seattle area. She's also the founder of Elevated Vibe Coaching and Nutritional Therapy (

March 19

Co-op Brunch

March 20

Bulk Days